Board Report: December 19, 2024

December 20, 2024 | San Diego Community College District

Special Report to the Public:

Geysil Arroyo

Trustee Geysil Arroyo welcomed new trustees Mariah Jameson and Marichu Magaña. She thanked those who made public comments. She said that she attended the Trustee Advisory Council meeting and various districtwide holiday events. Trustee Arroyo wished everyone a relaxing holiday break, and she thanked Trustee Craig Milgrim for leading the meeting.

Mariah Jameson

Trustee Mariah Jameson thanked everyone for attending the Board Meeting to support the new trustees. She said that she attended the TAC meeting and appreciated the presentations, and she attended various college holiday receptions. Trustee Jameson encouraged people to be present during the holiday break.

Marichu Magaña

Trustee Marichu Magaña thanked those who made public comments. She said she attended various holiday lunches and looks forward to others next year. She reported that she toured the Educational Cultural Complex with President Tina M. King and saw the progress being made on fixes related to flooding that occurred earlier in the year and heard how Measure HH will help transform the college. She said that she attended the TAC meeting and looks forward to working with the council members and attended the Urban League of San Diego County dinner where Chancellor Gregory Smith was recognized with a Diversity and Equity Award. Trustee Magaña wished everyone a nice holiday break.

Craig Milgrim

Trustee Craig Milgrim thanked all the colleges for their holiday parties.

Dr. Maria Nieto Senour

Trustee Maria Nieto Senour said that she attended a lot of events over the past month. She thanked those who attended the meeting to express their sincere advocacy, and she said that she will work on funding opportunities in the New Year to help support crucial programs.

Gregory Smith

Chancellor Gregory Smith reported that at the end of November, the Legislative Analyst Office released its fiscal forecast for the state and higher education, which showed a promising outlook with current estimates suggesting a 2.46% COLA for K-12 and community colleges with Proposition 98 revenues sufficient to fund the COLA, restore reserve funds used to balance the prior year budget, and fund additional enrollment growth. He said the District is advocating to have FTES in SDCCD dual enrollment programs fully funded; for restoration of funding for the Strong Workforce Program diverted to fund nursing program expansion in the 2023-2024 budget; for 1.5% growth funding; for expansion of key categorical programs to include noncredit students and College of Continuing Education; and for investments in services for undocumented and LGBTQIA+ students. Chancellor Smith said the next significant update will be the Governor’s budget proposal in mid-January. He reported that he has been meeting with state representatives who are committed to supporting and protecting the District’s most vulnerable communities. He said that in January and February, District representatives will go to Sacramento and Washington, D.C. for advocacy visits. Chancellor Smith reported that the District is finalizing a legislative agenda for the upcoming year, and there is a focus on reforms to noncredit programs and equitable funding, Strong Workforce funding and workforce development programs (including paid internship and work experience opportunities for credit and noncredit students), and increasing the number of students qualifying for the California Promise grant.

Chancellor Smith reported that for the past three years, SDCCD colleges have been implementing and expanding career services for students and alumni through the Handshake career platform, the efforts for which, earlier this semester, earned a Career Spark Award. Chancellor Smith reported that, along with Vice Chancellor Laurie Coskey and Director Jack Beresford, he toured the 2-1-1 San Diego offices and learned about the services they provide. He said that he attended the Taste of Mesa and congratulated chefs Michael Fitzgerald and Tonya Whitfield, and great adjunct faculty on a successful event. He reported that District members attended the Community College League of California fall conference and presented, along with colleagues from South Orange County Community College District and State Center Community College District, on SDCCD efforts to embed diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility performance standards into the SDCCD evaluation process, while presidents King and Wes Lundburg presented on the San Diego Advance initiative, the SDCCD’s noncredit to credit alignment efforts. He reported that he was also invited to serve on a panel in the closing general session for the conference, which focused on how the District is nurturing a diverse campus where students thrive and grow. Chancellor Smith said he attended a College and Career Access Pathways townhall event at City College and thanked Mona Alsoraimi-Espiritu for organizing the session; the Management Association holiday lunch where Mesa College Vice President Dr. Isabel O’Conner was recognized as manager of the year by a vote of her colleagues; the inaugural ceremony for our Certified Nursing Assistant program at the College of Continuing Education’s Cesar Chavez Campus; and graduation ceremony for the Fire Academy at Miramar College where he recognized the work of Dean Jacqueline Hester and the faculty leading the academy for their excellent work. He said he served as this year’s honorary chair for the San Diego Council on Literacy’s “Literacy Champion Awards Reception,” and he was recognized by the Urban League during its December 12 Diversity and Equity Awards Ceremony. He reported that the Police Advisory Committee voted 8-1 to recommend the District deploy conducted energy devices, commonly known as Tasers, for its police officers; no action will be taken on the PAC recommendation, and an update will come in February or March. He concluded by thanking those involved with planning holiday events around the District, many of which he was able to attend, and he wished everyone a safe, peaceful, happy winter break.

Hailey Hua

Student Trustee Hailey Hua reported that City College Associated Student Government hosted on December 9-10 a Zine Festival where students created Zines that were showcased in the College Library. She said Mesa College Associated Students hosted a Thanksgiving Fest, serving more than 100 students and proving 188 turkeys to students. Hua reported that Miramar College ASG hosted a Study Jam and provided study resources, food, and snacks for students, and that College of Continuing Education Student Affairs and Associated Students led two Thanksgiving celebrations at its Mid-City and CE-Mesa College campuses.


At its regular meeting of December 19, 2024, which was conducted in-person, with online participation available, the Board of Trustees:

- Administered the Oath of Office to newly-elected Trustees Marichu Magaña as administered by Efren Magaña and Mariah Jameson as administered by San Diego County Supervisor Monica Montgomery Steppe.

- Heard public comment from Erin Evans who spoke against spending money on tasers for College Police. Mona Alsoraimi-Espiritu spoke about a recent training from the Anti-Defamation League taken by College Police. Marco Guajardo and Serina Cuza spoke about protecting free speech, including a resolution by the Students for Justice for Palestine in support of academic freedom and free speech. Daniel Villegas advocated for the support of and access to music programs and against tasers. Jorge S. Hernandez, Justin Akers Chacon, Octavio Garcia, and America Martinez who asked for the continued support of Undocumented Resource Centers at the colleges. Javier Flores who requested support for the SEEDS @ City program. City College Academic Senate (AS) President Mona Alsoraimi reported that the AS passed the addition of a DEIA officer who will be appointed in the spring with a permanent appointment later in the year and also passed an assessment tool for distance education. Mesa College AS President Andrew Hoffman said both men’s and women’s cross country teams won state championships; that Mesa Cruise will be held for new students January 14-15; that the college is also preparing for participation in the January MLK Parade; and that President Ashanti Hands recently held a luncheon for faculty. He continued saying the AS recently postponed a vote on the use of tasers and is responding to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges report with a focus on benchmark areas. He concluded saying that Strong Workforce Program funding is being cut and suggested that areas being funded outside of the District’s general fund unrestricted (GFU) be considered for permanent funding. Miramar College AS President Pablo Martin shared that the college if proud of the progress that’s been made in best practices and that the AS has been well attended and productive. He read a resolution pertaining to minimum qualifications for faculty. He thanked Vice Chancellor Michelle Fischthal for her work in the area of AI. He said the AS passed a resolution pertaining to Title IX and harassment and that he is happy that progress is being made in this area. College of Continuing Education AS President Richard Weinroth welcomed trustees Magaña and Jameson and thanked outgoing trustees Rhinerson and Graham for their service.

- Conducted the second reading of Chapter 2 – Board of Trustees and Chapter 3 – General Institution board policies.

- Conducted the Board’s Annual Organizational Meeting:

  1. Electing Trustee Geysil Arroyo as president of the Board;
  2. Electing Trustee Craig Milgrim as executive vice president of the Board;
  3. Appointing Chancellor Gregory Smith as secretary to the Board;
  4. Appointing Trustee Nieto Senour as vice president for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Trustee Jameson as vice president for Legislative Advocacy; and Trustee Magaña as vice president for Institutional Effectiveness.
  5. Discussing matters of policy or function as determined by the Board; and announced that the chancellor has made the following subcommittee appointments based on responses to a previous request: Accreditation, Student Equity, and Success subcommittee (Senour, Arroyo); Board Budget Study and Audit subcommittee (Milgrim, Magaña); Facilities and Sustainability subcommittee (Magaña, Arroyo); Board Evaluation/Goal-Setting and Chancellor's Evaluation subcommittee (Senour, Jameson); and Housing subcommittee (Jameson, Milgrim).

- Approved the Board Meeting Schedule for January 2025 through June 2025.

- Adopted resolutions establishing the San Diego Regional Housing Finance Authority (SDRHFA) and nominating trustees Mariah Jameson and Craig Milgrim to serve as members of the Board of Directors and the Chancellor to serve as a non-voting, ex officio member; entering election results of Measure HH into the minutes and certifying all proceedings in the November 5, 2024 General Obligation Bond Election; and authorizing the Issuance of Sale of SDCCD General Obligation Bonds following a presentation by Vice Chancellor Dan Troy.

- Authorized agreements with healthcare agencies for use of clinical facilities by students enrolled in District health occupation programs.

- Accepted grants from the Conrad Prebys Foundation for the Student Veteran Mental Health Demonstration Project and Healing Through Nature Initiative Grant/Blooming Minds Program at City College.

- Awarded contracts to Sedano Ford for the one-time purchase of fleet vehicles; and to the most responsive and responsible Bond underwriting services offers.

- Approved purchase orders and contracts completed during November 2024; the 2024-25 First Quarter Financial Report; new or revised courses and programs; and various personnel actions including the certification of short-term personnel service effective on or after December 20, 2024.
