Service Providers
ISO Information for Service Providers
The Interpreting Services Office (ISO) works with service providers in our mission to provide quality communication access services to deaf and hard-of-hearing students attending SDCCD classes and programs. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in serving our students by increasing their communication access and empowering them to meet their education and career goals. Our service providers play an important role and are our treasured partners in this work. Scroll to the FAQ below to learn more about partnering with the ISO team.
Yes. As hourly, non-classified, non-academic employees, our service providers have control of their schedule and work with the ISO on a substitute or ongoing assignment-by-assignment basis.
The ISO maintains handbooks that include policies and procedures for sign language interpreting and text-to-speech service providers. To obtain a copy, please email iso@sdccd.edu or stop by the office at 3375 Camino Del Rio South, Room 275, San Diego, CA 92108.
Please see the aforementioned handbook for the payroll due dates. As a courtesy, we try to remind service providers of approaching deadlines, but it is the contractor’s responsibility to make sure paperwork is submitted in a timely, efficient manner. Time cards turned in after the deadline will be processed and paid the following month. Significant errors on time cards may also result in a delay in the paycheck.
- The ISO uses Gridcheck for scheduling. When logging in, please verify that your availability and profile are current. If you have any questions or concerns related to Gridcheck and scheduling, please email iso@sdccd.edu.
Interpreting Services Office | iso@sdccd.edu
Daniel Nakaji, Supervisor | dnakaji@sdccd.edu | (619) 550-3389 (videophone or voice)