Meet Our Team
Poppy Fitch, Ed.D., Dean, Wellness and DSPS She | Her | Hers
A believer in the transformative power of education to change lives and communities, Poppy is a strengths focused, equity minded educator, counselor and leader. In her role in Disability Support Programs and Services, Poppy oversees the districtwide DSPS functions and is a champion for access and equity for students with disabilities. A community college graduate, Poppy embraces a philosophy to lift while climbing, and intentionally selected advanced study programs with social justice at the center of their missions. Poppy earned a master's in education with a specialization in multicultural counseling, and a doctorate in post-secondary/community college educational leadership, both from San Diego State University. Poppy’s research on the success factors for foster youth who have persisted to college degree completion taught her about the power of systems for student success.
Maureen Flores, A.S., Administrative Technician
The quote, “the purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others,” by Albert Schweitzer resonates with Maureen. Her focus is to provide support to staff, students and parents to help them navigate to the appropriate resources. Maureen seeks to lift up others so that they can provide the knowledge and support that the students need and deserve. Maureen promotes “equity for all” and is a member of the district’s Committee for Community, Inclusion and Diversity. Prior to SDCCD, Maureen’s career focused on customer service-oriented positions such as HR manager, office manager and executive assistant. She earned her A.S. degree in business information technology from Miramar College while working full time for SDCCD. Maureen adores nature and incorporates it in her artwork.
WorkAbility III
Jamila DeCarli, M.S., WorkAbility III Coordinator
Jamila has committed her professional life to lifting up individuals with disabilities in the areas of education and employment. She is driven by her passion to serve those from marginalized groups and communities and making sure they have a voice and opportunities to succeed. Presently, she is the coordinator of the WorkAbility III Program, which provides employment services to SDCCD college students with disabilities. Jamila served as the chair for the district’s Committee for Community, Inclusion and Diversity (DCCID) from 2019-2022. She is an alumni of SDSU’s Rehabilitation Counseling program.
Rusty Krumm, M.S., Vocational Specialist
Rusty did not let a C5-C6 spinal cord injury at the age of 12 define who he is or who he could become. As a person new to using a wheelchair, Rusty became a voice for change. Rusty advocated for change in the public school system, disputed community accessibility issues, and successfully challenged Department of Rehabilitation’s “most difficult to serve” policy. These early experiences are the foundation that motivates Rusty to advocate for the injustice and inequities within the disability community. Rusty received his B.A. in business administration and graduated with a M.S. in rehabilitation counseling from SDSU. Rusty has been a vocational specialist with the WorkAbility III program at SDCCD since 2003.
Stephanie Baldueza, M.A., Vocational Specialist
Stephanie fosters motivation and resiliency in students. In her position as a WorkAbility III vocational specialist, Stephanie has helped numerous students with disabilities achieve their employment goals and lead more independent and meaningful lives. She holds a Master of Arts in postsecondary educational leadership with a specialization in student affairs from SDSU. When not at work, Stephanie likes to spend time with her family throughout beautiful San Diego.
Caleigh Burgess, Vocational Specialist
Caleigh Burgess is a dedicated counselor and educator with a passion for promoting access, inclusion, and equity for individuals with disabilities in education and employment. She earned her master's degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from San Diego State University in 2019, where she developed a deep commitment to helping students discover and achieve their academic and career goals. Caleigh has contributed to numerous state and federal grant-funded disability services and programs, and has experience working as a counselor in both secondary and post-secondary settings.
Shawn Fiala, M.S., CRC, Program Coordinator
As the current program manager of the CSP program, Shawn is a dedicated counselor, coordinator, and educator who strives to serve, support and believe in the students he works with and for. Shawn’s journey in the SDCCD began in 2015 in the C2C program as an educational coach and graduate intern. He later worked for the WorkAbility III programs at both SDCCD and Southwestern College as a vocational specialist. Shawn is also an adjunct instructor at Southwestern College, Coastline College, and San Diego State University. Shawn’s ultimate goal and hope is to see students reach their maximum potential through post-secondary education and employment. Shawn is a double alumnus of San Diego State University and holds a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling with a specialization in cognitive disabilities.
College 2 Career
Jeff Logan, M.A., Vocational Specialist
Jeff is a counselor and educator who provides services to students with disabilities to help them achieve their academic and employment goals. As a DSPS vocational specialist, Jeff strives to break down barriers and build relationships in the San Diego community in order to develop opportunities for the College 2 Career students he serves. Born and raised in the “Nutmeg State,” Jeff earned a B.A. in psychology and a M.A. in education – school psychology at the University of Connecticut. After settling for sunnier skies in “America’s Finest City,” Jeff attended San Diego State University and earned a M.A. in education with a concentration in counseling.
Rachel Martinez, M.S., CRC, College 2 Career Program Coordinator
Through her intentional work with students, Rachel demonstrates her passion for supporting students with disabilities and helping create opportunities that will allow them to reach their employment goals. Rachel works as a vocational specialist for the SDCCD College 2 Career program serving students with intellectual disabilities and autism. She is committed to making positive impacts in the local and regional workforce by increasing diversity and inclusion through the employment of individuals with disabilities. Rachel Martinez is a native of San Diego and alumni of San Diego State University where she received a B.S. in psychology and an M.S. in rehabilitation counseling.
Interpreting Services
Daniel Nakaji, Ed.D., Interpreting Services Supervisor
Daniel is the driving force to improve access to learning for the deaf community at SDCCD. In his supervisory role as interpreting services supervisor, Daniel supervises the districtwide coordination of interpreting and speech-to-text services for individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Prior to SDCCD, Daniel worked in biotechnology and intellectual property law after achieving his master’s in biology at UCLA. He earned his Ed.D. in postsecondary educational leadership from SDSU. Daniel’s passion for promoting access and education in the deaf community has head to collaborations with the National Center on Deafness, National Deaf Center, Deaf Community Services of San Diego, and UCSD Moores Cancer Center.
Jesse Jones III, M.S., Interpreting Services Lead Technician
An advocate in ensuring access to education for all the deaf, deaf-blind, deaf-disabled, hard of hearing, and late deafened students, Jesse, who is also deaf and a former student at Miramar College, strives to allow the students to have as much access to their studies as their peers. As an interpreting services lead technician, Jesse is responsible to schedule interpreting and captioning services for all students enrolled districtwide at San Diego Community College District. Jesse earned his B.A. in psychology from Gallaudet University and his M.S. in rehabilitation counseling from San Diego State University. Jesse enjoys taking dancing classes, learning how to cook a variety of dishes, traveling to Mexico, and visiting his family and friends.
District Disability Support Programs and Services
3375 Camino del Rio South, Room 275 | San Diego, CA 92108
619-388-6983 (voice) | 619-388-6534 (fax) | 619-550-3389 (videophone)