Districtwide International Education Committee
The districtwide international education committee is charged with advancing student global learning outcomes through the enhancement of international education opportunities throughout the district including internationalization of the curriculum, study abroad, faculty development, international partnerships, and international, global, and multicultural events and activities on campus. International education advances learning and scholarship; builds understanding and respect among different peoples; and enhances constructive leadership in the global community.
Committee Members
San Diego City, Mesa and Miramar faculty liaison for study abroad and appropriate dean assigned annually.
Convened By
Educational Services Division, Dean, Equity and Special Funded Programs
Ex officio members
SDCCD Vice Chancellor of Educational Services; San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges Vice Presidents of Instruction.
Meeting Schedule
Fall: September, October, and November
Spring: February, March, and April
Committee Associations
Community Colleges for International Development (CCID) and Diversity Abroad
2023-2024 Membership
- Lou Ascione, Dean, Miramar College
- Andrew MacNeill, Acting Dean, City College
- Laura T. Gonzalez, Faculty Lead, Miramar College
- Rosalinda Sandoval, Faculty Lead, City College
- Dora Schoenbrun- Fernandez, Faculty Lead, Mesa College (2023-2025 Faculty Coordinator)
- Denise Rogers, Dean, Mesa College
- Lillian A. Garcia, Dean, Equity and Special Funded Programs (Committee Coordinator)
International Education Week
Join us for student and staff events each November to celebrate International Education Week at City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges. Please contact the faculty lead to request any resources or accommodations for the events.