Apply for CPL
The following types of Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) are submitted electronically via JIRA: Credit by Examination, Industry Standard Certifications, and Portfolios. Students must submit a separate request for each course they wish to apply for.
STEP 1: Visit the SDCCD forms and Documents website to locate the online "Credit for Prior Learning" college evaluation form.
STEP 2: Complete the prompts and select "Credit for Prior Learning" from the form/petition drop-down menu to access the online petition.
STEP 3: Complete the online form: Email Confirmation, Phone number, First Name, Last Name, Student ID, Date of Birth, College, and Form/Petition (select Credit for Prior Learning).
STEP 4: Select the appropriate type of CPL (Credit by Exam, Industry Standard Certiications, or Portfolio) in the [Petitioning for CPL Based on] drop down list. Note, see directions for other types of CPL (e.g., military transcripts, AP, IB, CLEP, DANTEs, etc.) on this page.
STEP 5: Confirm you meet the eligibility requirements: click on each requirement. All seven criteria must be met.
STEP 6: Complete the course information: e.g., ARTG 125. Check the CPL Course List website to make sure the course is eligible for credit for prior learning. If the course you are interested in is not on the list, contact Shelly L. Hess at
STEP 7: Add the course title. e.g., Digital Media
STEP 8: Select the grading option. Refer to the college catalog to determine the grading option for the course you are interested in. Note, Students should review the Pass/No Pass acceptance policy of the transfer institution prior to requesting this grade option
STEP 9: Select yes or no as appropriate. Select yes if you are submitting documents. Drag and Drop files into the box provided or click browse to upload documents from your computer.
STEP 10: Type in your full name to digitally sign the forn. Click send.
STEP 11: Once submitted, the request will be routed to the College Evaluations office. The staff will verify the form is complete, official transcripts from all other institutions are on file, and that the course is on the eligible CPL list. College Evaluations will forward to District Office Evaluations—the system will send the request to the appropriate district evaluator.
STEP 12: The District Evaluator will review the request to assure all CPL eligibility criteria are met, that the correct method of CPL and the correct grading method have been selected, and will forward the request to the Student Services Analyst. Note: If the you are not eligible to receive CPL for the course, the evaluator will enter a comment into JIRA why the course is not eligible, and cancel the request. You will be notified via an email generated by JIRA
STEP 13: The Student Service Analyst will build the course, enroll the you, and assign the request to the appropriate instructor for the CPL class. The instructor and student (you) will be notified via the system that they can begin the CPL.
STEP 14: The instructor will review student documentation and/or administer an exam, and will issue a grade.
STEP 15: You will be provided the grade and will be required to accept or deny the credit. If you deny the credit, the process will stop and the request will be closed. If the you accept the credit, the request will be forwarded to District Office Records.
STEP 16: District Office Records will enter the grade and add the course to the student’s transcript with CPL and the method—Credit for Prior Learning: Exam, Credit for Prior Learning: Industry Certification or Credit by Exam: Portfolio. Request will be forwarded to the evaluator for verification of entry.
STEP 17: District evaluator will verify that the course(s) was transcribed with CPL and method appropriately, and will complete the JIRA ticket with a comment that the course has been added to your transcript. You will be notified via an email generated by JIRA.
Career Technical Education (CTE) Transitions High School to College and Noncredit to Credit Articulation Agreements provides current high school students and current noncredit students an opportunity to earn college credit through credit by exam while enrolled in an approved high school or noncredit course. The credit by exam is provided within the high school or noncredit course. To learn more go to CTE Transitions Credit by Exam.
Visit the SDCCD forms and Documents website to locate the online "Request for Transcript Evaluation" form.
Click on the "Request for Transcript Evaluation" form.
Complete the fields on the "Request for Transcript Evaluation Form" (email confirmation, phone number, First Name, Last Name, Student ID, Date of Birth, College, and Form/Petition (Request for Transcript Evaluation is selected).
Complete Student Transcript Acknowledgement: verify all transcripts have been submitted. Official transcripts/score reports are required. See Credit for Prior Learning section in the college catalog for information how to request transcripts for AP, IB, CLEP, and/or DANTEs.
Verify if you are submitting attachments. Note official score reports are required.
The College Evaluations staff will verify that the score report is attached to the JIRA ticket or scanned in document imaging system, the student is currently enrolled or has enrollment history, and official transcripts from all other institutions are received. If these are not met, the request will be returned to the student. If these are met, the request will be forwarded to District Evaluations.
The District evaluator will complete the Evaluations Sheet for Advanced Placement, CLEP, DANTES, and International Baccalaureate for, and forward to District Office Records.
District Office Records will add the “institution” to the student’s External Education with the unit total and return the request to the evaluator.
District evaluator will enter the course detail in External Education, and evaluate the courses in Course Credits Automated. The evaluator will mark the request completed in JIRA. Student will be notified via an email generated by JIRA.
Students interested in Credit for Prior Learning using Joint Service Transcripts shall receive credit as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) Directory and approved by the appropriate discipline faculty of the college under the following circumstances:
STEP 1: The student shall complete the Credit for Prior Learning assessment petition form;
STEP 2: Official transcripts must be on file in the Records Office.
- Academic credit for military service and military schools may be granted upon the analysis of of the Joint Services Transcript or other official documented evidence of military experience(s).
- Credit course equivalency shall be determined by the faculty of the appropriate discipline
Military students, follow the steps on the Veterans Services website to send your official military transcripts.
For faculty and staff interested in learning more about CPL and potential opportunities for students within your disciplines, contact
Campus Contacts
City College: Angela Merkens
Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield
Miramar College: Maryam Tartoussia
Campus Contacts Military Credit for Prior Learning
City College: David Kennemer
Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield
Miramar College: Caleb Valera-Johnson