Benefits Services
The San Diego Community College District’s Benefits Services Office proudly serves faculty, classified professionals, administrators, retirees, and COBRA participants. We provide one on one counseling and assistance over the phone, in person by appointment, and via email.
California Schools VEBA is the District’s third-party administrator for medical, dental, and vision insurance plans. VEBA makes it easy for our employees to manage their health and wellbeing. As a VEBA member, our employees receive total care for themselves and their family.
San Diego Community College District
Human Resources - Benefits Services
3375 Camino del Rio South, Suite #380
San Diego, CA 92108-3883
Main Line: 619-388-6587
Fax Number: 619-388-6898

Health Care Plans
The SDCCD offers three fully paid health care plans for all full-time employees and their families through Kaiser or United Healthcare.

Living Wage
In 2024, the SDCCD boosted the minimum wage for all permanent employees to $30.58 per hour and $22.31 for temporary employees.

Our District offers pension plans through CalSTRS and CalPERS. Retirement support is available by appointment. 619-388-6685

District's Mission
The SDCCD uplifts diverse individuals and communities through culturally affirming teaching, learning, and work environments.