Window-Period & Classification Review

On this page:

I          OVERVIEW

Every year, the District has a Window-Period where employees can initiate a request to review their current position's classification. The Window-Period runs through January and February with any classification changes being effective July 1 of the same year. The process is available to contract employees in the following units: Classified Staff, Confidential, Supervisory/Professional and Management. It is not available to employees in the following units: Faculty, and Police.


A classification is a grouping of similar assignments/jobs where the major parts of the assignments/jobs are the same. Positions are classified based on these groupings of major parts of work. Classifications define the duties and responsibilities, and the required supportive knowledge and skill sets.

A position is a single desk or pair of gloves. A contract employee fills a position and is employed based upon the attributes of the position. A position has only one classification and only one position number. A contract position has only one employee.

Position Description
A position description focuses on the assignment/job itself and not the incumbent. The position description connects the classification to a specific position (e.g. the Student Services Assistant position description for the Mesa College Veteran's Affairs office) and defines the office/environment and includes the minor details of the nature and levels of work assigned in the specific position. Keep in mind that the Student Services Assistant classification may cover several different positions in the Mesa College Student Services offices.

Desk Description
A desk description focuses on the details of the assignment/job to be performed by the assigned employee. The desk description is sometimes called the desk manual and is prepared and updated by the incumbent and/or the immediate supervisor. This is a detailed 'How-To' of the assignment/job work and would include specific instructions and examples of files, forms, documents, etc.

Classification Description
A classification description defines in general terms the duties and responsibilities associated with this classification and is general summary of those duties and responsibilities expected of a position assignment. There are FIVE parts to the classification description: Definition; Distinguishing Characteristics; Examples of Duties; Knowledge, Skills and Abilities; and Training & Experience.

Definition   The purpose of the job.
Distinguishing Characteristics:   What makes this level of position different from those positions above or below.
Example of Duties:   Overview of what may be expected of the position.
Knowledge, Skills & Abilities:   What a fully competent employee needs to successfully perform the assignment/job.
Training & Experience:   The usual way to obtain the required knowledge, skills and abilities.

Desired Qualifications
The desired qualifications are the necessary and required minimum qualifications, which must be obtained within the first 6 months of the assignment.

An assignment/job is the tasks, duties and responsibilities the supervisor/administrator assigns to the employee to perform.

A Re-Title is a change of a classification title only. This is not a part of classification review process but a Re-Title does require Board approval.

A reclassification is a change the position's classification when there are permanent and substantial changes to the assignment/job and the duties and responsibilities have changed so much that they no longer fit in the current classification.

Range Reallocation
A range reallocation is the change/s of a classification which would affect the salary range allocation without changing the classification.

Salary Range Allocation
Salary range allocation is the assignment of classifications on the salary schedule in relationship to others using the job content/evaluation methodology. This methodology establishes point values based upon different job content criteria and 'slots' the classifications for internal alignment within the SDCCD classification plan and respective salary schedules. This methodology does not set the salary; only the District sets the salary schedules through the bargaining/meet and confer processes.



Reclassification is a complete review of ALL the duties, responsibilities and requirements of one position's assignments. The steps for submitting a reclassification review are as follows:

  1. The employee completes a Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ) form (found under the FORMS section).
  2. The employee identifies duties, requirements and responsibilities not within the current classification description. (The supervisor/Administrator may substituted for the employee in 1 & 2)
  3. The employee's immediate supervisor, manager and president/vice chancellor must affirm the form's accuracy and sign the form before submission to Human Resources.  The Vice President over the position (Administrative Services, Instructional Services, or Student Services) must also sign if the employee's assignment is at a college. It is the employee's responsibility to secure all signatures and submit the completed documents before the deadline.
  4. Human Resources will review the PDQ for completeness and if there is sufficient information to move forward in the classification review process.
  5. The PDQ goes to the Analyst/AFT-Panel for review.
  6. The Analyst/AFT-Panel will meet with the incumbent (employee) and supervisor/s to ensure complete job information and clarity.
  7. The Analyst/AFT-Panel makes a recommendation regarding classification and notifies Human Resources.
  8. Human Resources provides notification of the recommendation to the incumbent and other appropriate parties.
  9. The President/Vice Chancellor have the opportunity to accept the recommendation or change the assignment in order to maintain the current classification. Human Resources will then notify appropriate parties if the recommendation is not accepted.
  10. Reclassifications must be approved by the Board of Trustees before becoming effective.
  11. July 1 is the effective date of Board approved Window-Period classification changes.



Salary range reallocation is a review of the added duties, responsibilities and requirements of ALL of the positions in a classification. The steps for submitting a salary range allocation review are as follows:

  1. The employee fills out a Range Reallocation Request form (found under the FORMS section).
  2. The employee identifies additional duties, responsibilities and requirements not within the current classification.
  3. The employee's immediate supervisor/s, manager/s and presidents/vice chancellors must affirm the form's accuracy and sign the form before submission to Human Resources.The Vice President over the position (Administrative Services, Instructional Services, or Student Services) must also sign if the employee's assignment is at a college. It is the employee's responsibility to secure all signatures and submit the completed documents before the deadline.
  4. Human Resources will review the form for completeness and if there is sufficient information to move forward in the classification review process.
  5. The form goes to the Analyst/AFT-Panel for review.
  6. The Analyst/AFT-Panel will meet with the incumbent (employee) and supervisor/s to ensure complete job information and clarity.
  7. The Analyst/AFT-Panel makes a recommendation regarding classification and notifies Human Resources.
  8. Human Resources provides notification of the recommendation to the incumbent and other appropriate parties.
  9. The President/Vice Chancellor have the opportunity to accept the recommendation or change the assignments in order to maintain the current classification. Human Resources will then notify appropriate parties if the recommendation is not accepted.
  10. Salary range reallocations must be approved by the Board of Trustees before becoming effective.
  11. July 1 is the effective date of Board approved Window-Period classification changes.



January 31 deadline   Meet & Confer Employee notice of/discusses intent to supervisor/manager; Classified Staff Employee file draft with supervisor/manager
Last work day in February deadline   Submission of completed form(s) to Human Resources
March/April   Human Resources and Unit Panels review of submissions
April   Classification review meetings/interviews
May   Recommendations to incumbents and appropriate parties
June/July   Presentation of recommendations to the Board of Trustees
July 1   Effective date of changes


IV       FORMS

Position Description Questionnaire form (PDQ)

Range Reallocation Request form



Classified Staff Collective Bargaining Agreement 

Should I or NOT

Information for You

What happens after the interview review meeting

Window-Period - Checklist

Window-Period - Interview's Do's and Don'ts

VI       FAQ'S   (HERE are other Frequently Asked Questions)

Employees must have District and classification permanency before engaged in a classification review.   

No. Regardless of the type of classification review, a position can only be reviewed once in a 24 month period.

The reclassification process for AFT-Classified Staff positions is governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Before any deadlines, meet and discuss your position's assignment with your immediate supervisor and other management/administrators in your assignment area.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Classification Office in Human Resources.