Operations, Enterprise Services, and Facilities
The mission of Operations, Enterprise Services, and Facilities (OESF) is to provide sustainable and accessible environments that promote the educational mission of the District through effective planning, design and construction.
Dr. Joel Peterson, Vice Chancellor, Operations, Enterprise Services, and Facilities
Auroa Ayala, Associate Vice Chancellor Facilities, Risk Management, and Operations
Lance Lareau, District Architect
Phone: 619-388-6546
Fax: 619-388-6509
District Office, 3375 Camino Del Rio South,
Suite 310, San Diego, CA, 92108-3883
Facilities Services
The SDCCD Facilities Services Department works to support the custodial, maintenance and landscape needs of the district office and campuses. Facilities Services processes work orders and requests for facilities throughout the district.
SDCCD Police Department
Through collaborative efforts and partnerships, the San Diego Community College District Police Department guards the life, property, and constitutional rights of our staff, students, and faculty with compassion and respect to ensure a safe and secure community in which to teach, learn, and work.
- Work order inquiries: 619-388-6422
- Submit a work order
- Email Facilities Services
- Reprographics - Request Printing or Duplicating
- Reprographics - Business Card Request
- Organizational Charts