Risk Management

On this page:

The role of the Office of Risk Management is to protect the assets of the district, both human and financial, against the adverse effects of accidental loss through:

  • Identification of loss exposures by performing risk assessments and analysis with departments
  • Evaluation and selection of appropriate risk management techniques
  • Management of claims involving bodily injury, property damage, automobile, and other types of losses
  • Administration and management of workers' compensation, liability, property, and other programs through insurance and self-insurance programs

Ergonomic Information




Contact Information

Email:  sdccdriskmanagement@sdccd.edu
Main Line: 619-388-6953
Fax: 619-388-6898

Mailing Address:
San Diego Community College District
Risk Management Office
3375 Camino del Rio South, Suite 310
San Diego, CA 92108

Aurora Ayala
Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities, Risk Management, and Operations

Karen Woods
Risk Management and Real Property Program Supervisor