- Monday through Thursday 7 am - 7 pm
- Friday - Sunday 7 am - 5 pm
- The parking structure may be occasionally closed for maintenance or repair.
Cesar Chavez/Barrio Logan Public Parking Information
Barrio Logan Public Parking
There is paid public parking available for the Barrio Logan Community at the Cesar Chavez Structure, located at 1901 National Avenue.
- Parking permits are required at all times.
- Vehicles may only be parked in the structures during the hours posted below. Vehicles that remain in the structure at closing time may be locked in the structure overnight and subject to citation and/or impound at the owner's expense.
- Daily $1.00/hour up to $5.00/day maximum
- Monthly $75/vehicle, paid in advance
How To Purchase Daily Permits
Permits can be purchased online by going to the ParkMobile app or using cash through the permit machines located on the first and second level of the structure. Machines accept bills only and do not provide change. No coins accepted. There are no refunds given for overpayment.
Daily permits purchased from permit machines must be clearly displayed, printed purchase information facing up, on the driver's side of the dashboard. Permits that are not clearly visible or are placed in a way that purchase information is unreadable are not valid and vehicles may be cited.
Monthly Permits
- Monthly parking is available at a discounted rate on a first-come, first-served basis for employees of local businesses.
- Vehicles may only be parked in the structures during the hours posted above.
- Vehicles that remain in the structure at closing time may be locked in the structure overnight and subject to citation and/or impound at the owner's expense.
To Purchase Monthly Parking
Email a request to Parking@sdccd.edu for more information on renting spaces on a monthly basis.
Important Information
Parking citations issued by college service and police officers are legal and binding. An unpaid parking citation may result in an additional fine amount added to the vehicle registration fees or other collection actions. Multiple unpaid parking citations may result in immobilization or impound of vehicle at owner's expense. All vehicles parked are must abide by all parking rules and regulations of the San Diego Community College District.
General Parking Rules & Regulations
For emergencies please call SDCCD College Police Dispatch, 619-388-6405