Student FAQ
CPL can help you save time and money on your educational path. Students can now get credit for a course instead of just waiving a prerequisite.
Students who hold industry credentials and certifications are graduates of service academies were trained for military occupations, or have work experience that can be demonstrated through an exam or portfolio review may qualify for credit for prior learning.
Each CPL eligible course will have different methods of assessment. These methods include:
Evaluation of Military Transcripts
Credit by Examination
Student Created Portfolio Assessment
Industry Recognized Credentials
Standardized Exams: AP, IB, CLEP
If you have prior learning experience that you feel would qualify for CPL, but you don't see the discipline or course in our list, please email:
Campus Contacts
City College: Angela Merkens
Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield
Miramar College: Maryam Tartoussia
Campus Contacts Military Credit for Prior Learning
City College: David Kennemer
Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield
Miramar College: Caleb Varela Johnson
We are still building our CPL database and will reach out to our faculty on your behalf to see if CPL is a good fit!
- the course must be on the approved credit by exam list at the college;
- students must have previous academic history (previously earned credit or noncredit from the District) or be currently enrolled at a college in the San Diego Community College District and are in good standing;
- all student holds must be cleared prior to verification of eligibility;
- official transcripts from all prior colleges must be on file;
- a student education plan is on file;
- you are not currently enrolled in the course; and
- have not received credit on your academic record for an equivalent course.
AP and IB courses may both be used to satisfy IGETC and CSU GE Breadth requirements with qualifying scores on exams.
Some CSU campuses will accept qualifying CLEP scores to fulfill CSU General Breadth requirements. However, IGETC does not accept CLEP.
Both IGETC and CSU General Breadth will not accept DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) credit.
For other forms of CPL assessments such as military training, industry certification, student portfolios, please contact the campus you are interested in transferring to.
Students intending to transfer to a four-year institution should consult a counselor or the individual university regarding their credit for prior learning policy.
The San Diego Community College District does not have a limit on the number of units that may be earned through CPL.
- Credit acquired by Credit for Prior Learning may not be applicable to meeting load requirements for Selective Service deferment, veterans' benefits, or Social Security benefits.
- Credit acquired by Credit for Prior Learning shall not be counted in determining residency requirements for any degree or certificate.
- Credit granted by SDCCD does not necessarily transfer to other institutions. Final determination regarding transfer of credit rests with the receiving institution. Students intending to transfer to a four-year institution should consult a counselor or the individual university regarding their credit for prior learning policy.
For limitations on units for other assessments, please contact your campus' counseling department.
According to Administrative Procedure 5235 (AP 5235)
Credit aquired by Credit for Prior Learning may not be applicable to meeting load requirements for Selective Service deferment, Veterans' benefits, or Social Security benefits.
Credit aquired by Credit for Prior Learning shall not be counted in determining residencey requirements for any degree or certificate.
Credit for Prior Learning credit may affect your completion rate and maximum number of units attempted set forth by Financial Aid. Please contact your college's Financial Aid office for more information.
Credit acquired by Credit for Prior Learning shall not be counted in determining residency requirements for any degree or certificate.
Contact counseling to set up a CPL counseling appointment.
For students interested in CPL, contact the counseling office to set up a “CPL counseling appointment."
Military students, follow the steps on the Veterans Services website to send your official military transcripts.
For faculty and staff interested in learning more about CPL and potential opportunities for students within your disciplines, contact:
Campus Contacts
City College: Angela Merkens
Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield
Miramar College: Maryam Tartoussia
Campus Contacts Military Credit for Prior Learning
City College: David Kennemer
Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield
Miramar College: Caleb Varela Johnson
You must be currently enrolled in one of the SDCCD colleges and in good standing or have previous academic history (previously earned credit or noncredit from one of the SDCCD Colleges).
- Credits aquired by Credit for Prior Learning shall not be counted in determining for 12 semester units in residence reuired for an associate degree.
- Credit aquired by Credit for Prior Learning are not applicable to meeting unit load requirements such as Selective Service deferment, Veterans, or Social Security benefits.
To begin, set up a CPL counseling appointment. Once you have met with a counselor and determined your eligibility, course selections and methods of assessment for CPL, submit the online Credit for Prior Learning petition via the SDCCD Forms and Documents website. More information is available on the Apply for CPL tab. Check out our CPL Course List!
No, credit for prior learning may not be used for grade alleviation. See "Limitations on Credit for Prior Learning" in the college catalog.
There is no cost for CPL.