The implementation of mySDCCD is one of San Diego Community College District's largest, most complex, and most comprehensive student technology projects. By investing in the modern technology behind mySDCCD, San Diego City, Mesa and Miramar colleges and San Diego College of Continuing Education will transform the student and faculty experience into one integrated software solution.
Need AssistanceMySDCCD will include all crucial student and faculty information including: admissions, financial aid, registration, enrollment, course management, schedule development, advising, student cashiering functions, records and more. With the completion of this project, students, faculty and staff will access all of their key information through a single point-of-entry: mySDCCD.
This website will serve as a central information hub for all things related to mySDCCD and the Campus Solutions implementation. Students are encouraged to visit their sections below to learn more about the mySDCCD implementation. If you are interested in signing up for the mySDCCD mailing list for updates, news, training opportunities, and announcements please fill out the form below:
Campus Solutions is one of the three “pillars” (Campus Solutions, HCM, Finance) that is part of the PeopleSoft ERP implementation in the San Diego Community College District.
There are eight modules in Campus Solutions. Each module contains specific business processes and functionality. For a brief description of each module, please click on the headers below:
The Academic Advisement module includes the following business processes:
- Degree Audit
- Graduation Processing
- Student Education Plan
Primary users of the academic advisement modules: counselors and evaluators
The Admissions application module allows the colleges and Continuing Education to track, manage and plan for admissions activities. The colleges will be using the statewide application called CCCApply for admissions applications. Continuing Education will use a custom application that is tailored for non-credit students.
Primary users of campus community modules: Admissions
Individuals and organizations are the foundation of PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. The Campus Community module is used to create the records for individuals and organizations that comprise the institution’s community. After records are created, Campus Community is used to continue to update, maintain, and track information about the individuals and organizations associated with the institution including name, address, email, etc.
Most employees will interact with the campus community module in some capacity.
The Financial Aid module automates federal, state and institutional financial aid processing for a more efficient operation. It provides flexibility and helps you manage financial aid activity for applicants and students.
Primary users include financial aid staff and other employees needing access to specific financial aid information, e.g. Student Accounting and Finance.
The Student Financials module is used to manage student receivables, billing, collections, and cashiering. In this module, both staff and students can quickly find and use the financial information needed to make critical decisions. Student Financials receives information from all modules of Campus Solutions.
Primary users of the student financials module include: Student Cashiers/Accounting. Secondary users include: Financial Aid and Finance.
The Student Records module enables staff and students to enter, track, and process all academic information such as transfer credit, enrollment, grades, academic standing, etc. The Records module includes the course catalog and schedule of classes as well as setup of student programs (majors), plans (education plan) and careers (College or Non-Credit). After applicants are admitted and matriculate, Student Records staff moves forward to activate, enroll, grade, evaluate, and graduate students.
Primary users include: Admissions and Records Offices, Veteran Services, and Evaluations.
The curriculum management module is a sub-module within Records and Enrollment that houses the class schedule, course catalog, faculty table, room scheduling and other instructional systems within Campus Solutions. Schedule preparers, Instructional Deans, Department Chairs, and other curriculum services staff will use Curriculum Management to build and schedule classes.
The Portal provides users with access to all their important information (e.g. class schedule, financial aid, important links, etc.) in one simple user interface. The Portal also enables users to transition easily between their active roles (e.g. faculty and student) to complete their work without having to log in multiple times to multiple systems.

mySDCCD Info