Institutional Effectiveness and Planning

In August 2022, the SDCCD Board of Trustees approved the 2023-2030 District Strategic Plan. This culminated a six-month process that included dozens of meetings, online presentations, and input from roughly 10,000 employees, students, and community members. Susan Topham, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services, and our consultants, MIG, were instrumental in facilitating these conversations, which were influential in shaping the final strategic plan.
See the Strategic Plan
The SDCCD Strategic Plan will guide the future of the colleges and the District between now and 2030 by identifying our collective vision, goals, and objectives. It builds on and complements strategic plans developed by San Diego City, Mesa, Miramar Colleges, and the San Diego College of Continuing Education. A key focus of the plan will be how the District can fulfill its commitment to equitable outcomes for the 100,000 students it serves annually. Towards this end, the strategic plan includes six primary goals:
- Student Success and Well Being
- Academic Excellence
- Workforce Development
- Financial Health
- State of the Art Facilities
- Institutional Resiliency
Workgroups are being established in each of these six areas. In addition, stakeholders will continue to be involved. Short- and long-term activities will be developed to move us forward.
In fact, progress is already being made in some of these areas. The District established a new position for a new Vice Chancellor of Institutional Innovation and Effectiveness who will be responsible for overseeing implementation of the strategic plan in the years to come.
The strategic plan will evolve to reflect new challenges and new opportunities. As such, timely communication will be important. In addition, the SDCCD Strategic Plan website will be updated regularly so the public can stay informed.
For more information about the SDCCD Strategic Plan, contact Vice Chancellor, Institutional Innovation and Effectiveness, Michelle Fischthal at