3375 Camino Del Rio South, Ste 120 San Diego, CA 92108Phone: (619) 388-6941
Natalia Córdoba-Velásquez Alarcón, M.B.A. (she/her | ella/de ella), Director
(619) 388-6723 |
Natalia has a master’s of business administration, a bachelor’s in psychology, an associate’s in business, and professional certificates in training and human resources and marketing. She joined the SDCCD on August 2018. Prior to the SDCCD, Natalia was the director of institutional research at Hartnell College and director of institutional research at Gavilan College. She also worked in Cabrillo College for twelve years in different roles, seven of those years, as an institutional research analyst. Natalia also worked at University of California Santa Cruz for 3 years. Natalia was an RP board member for 2 years and is currently pursuing a Doctoral program in Education.
Some of her main areas at the OIER are:
- Enrollment management cabinet report
- Student success metrics
- IPEDS coordinator/CalPass/NSC liaison /CCCApply-special data
- CCCCO DataMart
- Career technology education
- Internal surveys: students, employees, climate, etc.
- External surveys: (HOPE, CTE employment outcomes survey, etc.)
- Labor market information (EMSI, economy impact study [EIS])
- Employment equal opportunity
- Ad-hoc reports regarding external databases
- Accreditation support
- Strategic plan support
- IRB Chair
Stephen Bass, M.A. (he/him), Research and Planning Analyst
(619) 388-6942 |
Stephen joined the SDCCD research team in April 2019. Prior to that, he worked a test prep tutor and educational consultant for a local non-profit, which led him to a master’s in education at SDSU. Stephen is passionate about supporting the development of programs that meet the needs of California’s increasingly diverse student population. At SDCCD, he has contributed to reporting on enrollment trends, transfer, distance education, dual enrollment and other high school partnerships, and other instructional programs.
Some of Steve’s main areas at the OIER are:
- Special Admit reporting (CCAP, ACP, and Concurrent Enrollment) and data needs for the SDUSD0SDCCD Joint Board
- Career Technical Eduation
- Distance Education
- Reporting related to compliance with AB705, AB1705, and AB1805
- Honors
Marc Grabiel, B.S. (he/him), Research and Planning Analyst
(619) 388-6849 |
Marc joined SDCCD’s research team in March 2020 after almost 10 years of experience working as a researcher and educator both nationally and abroad. He is committed to increasing student success and eliminating equity gaps through an objective and systematic approach to educational research that supports evidence-based decision-making. Marc strives to provide actionable data that can help redefine the educational policies and approaches needed to improve student outcomes.
- Enrollment management dashboard (SDCCE)
- Data element dictionary maintenance
- DSPS reports
- Student profiles dashboards (credit and SDCCE)
- Syntax conversion from legacy to IRD
- Transfer report
Patrick Panelli, B.S. (he/him), Research and Planning Analyst
(619) 388-6721 |
Patrick joined the SDCCD research team in April 2017. He has over 10 years of experience in the university and community college settings, starting in the Humboldt State University IRP office in 2009. Patrick enjoys working on program evaluations and program development, and finding new, creative ways to more efficiently give the academic and life supports needed by all of our incredible students.
Some of Patrick's main areas at the OIER are:
- Campus solutions data
- SDCCD_IRD (database design, maintenance, trouble shooting and training)
- National Student Clearing House data mining and syntax developer
- Hyperion expert
- Statistical analysis support
- Ad-hoc reports from SDCCD databases (legacy and IRD)
Jaime Seiverd, M.A. (they/them), Research and Planning Analyst
(619) 388-6802 |
Jaime joined the SDCCD research team in 2018, coming from a graduate program in applied anthropology that emphasizes research for social change. Their research interests are intersecting marginalized student identities and their impacts on student success, students’ sense of belonging to educational institutions, identifying and bridging equity gaps in higher education for disproportionately impacted students, and student-focused enrollment management.
Some of Jaime’s main areas at the OIER are:
- FTES, FTEF and productivity
- State apportionment report (320)
- Comprehensive studies (LGBTQ, time/units to completion)
- San Diego Promise designated researcher
- Ad-hoc reports for enrollment management
Brian Stern, Ph.D. (he/him), Research and Planning Analyst
(619) 388-6944 |
Brian joined the SDCCD research team in April 2019. He has over 25 years of experience in institutional research at the pre-school, K-12, community college, and university levels. His research interests are intersegmental progression, curriculum alignment, and student equity.
Some of Brian’s main areas at the OIER are:
- Enrollment management dashboard (credit)
- Student center funding formula (SCFF) analysis
- Ad-hoc for awards or data on demand (chancellor’s office)
- Support for IPEDS
- Real College (Food/Housing) Insecurities survey reports
- Factbook
Hongling Yang, Ph.D. (she/her), Research Associate
- Special Admit reporting (CCAP, ACP, and Concurrent Enrollment) and data needs for the SDUSD-SDCCD Joint Board
- Development of dashboards for enrollment management
- Statistical analysis and data visualization for program evaluations
- Machine learning applications in educational research
In her previous roles, Hongling has developed optimization strategies that significantly boosted revenue and marketing efficiency, designed neural networks for high-accuracy image classification, and conducted impactful public health research. Her work continues to be driven by a commitment to improving student outcomes and eliminating equity gaps through data-driven insights.