Enrollment Management
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research (OIER) has been collaborating with different district constituencies for the production of a tool to manage enrollment and support efforts districtwide. The OIER produced different tools for the credit colleges and for the San Diego College of Continuing Education.
Credit Colleges
- Daily/Historical
- Cabinet Report (Current and Upcoming term(s) only)
- End of Term
Tutorial Videos
How to access the dashboard
Filter Selection
Additional Filters and Downloading
Metrics and Filters
The View Selection dropdown allows the user to see the data from the overall credit college view to individual sections, in addition to modalities (online, on campus) and sessions (length of course).
Tutorial Videos
Use of each dashboard tab: |
Metrics and Filters
The View Selection dropdown allow the user to see the data from the overall noncredit college view to individual sections, in addition to modalities (online, on campus), attendance methods, section progress and meeting pattern.
Request for Hands-on Sessions
In addition to the tutorial videos, hands-on sessions are offered upon special request. To request hands-on sessions, please use our Research Request Form (click on 'For Staff/Managers' and 'Research and Email Request Form'). For questions regarding the SDCCE dashboard, please contact Marc Grabiel (mgrabiel@sdccd.edu). For questions regarding the Credit Colleges dashboard, contact Brian Stern (bstern@sdccd.edu).