Corporate Council

On this page:

The Corporate Council continues to emerge as an integral adviser to the SDCCD regarding workforce education and training. Composed of business representatives from industry clusters that drive San Diego’s economy, the Corporate Council provides a means to ensure good relations between SDCCD and its business partners throughout the region.

The District looks to the Corporate Council to identify strategies for meeting business and employer needs. Throughout the year, the Council is kept well-informed on District matters, including workforce partnerships and their role in advocacy regarding legislative issues.

About the Corporate Council

The SDCCD Corporate Council provides you with opportunities to engage in constructive dialogue with corporate and industry executives, and District leaders, about current and future workforce needs. The Council includes members from San Diego’s business and industry community. Participation in the Council is an opportunity to engage across sectors for enhanced talent development. We welcome your engagement with the Corporate Council.

Partnering to Build a stronger workforce

Membership includes multiple benefits for your executive team:

Elevated engagement

  • Special briefings with the Chancellor and opportunities to support workforce initiatives that directly affect business and industry
  • Inclusion in special promotional projects that contribute to the preparation of the future workforce

Enhanced visibility

  • Prominent display of your company’s name and logo in special District publications and on the District’s website
  • Priority opportunities for program and event sponsorships

Skilled talent

  • Awareness of a pipeline of prepared individuals with the skills required for your workplace
  • Customized training designed to meet your organization’s unique needs


Join the SDCCD Corporate Council

Email to learn more.

Corporate Council Members