Tasks and Timeline
Through December 2023
- Campus and district staff leadership reviewed and approved the Project Priorities List.
- District 'facilities needs' cost estimate established.
January – June 2024
- Submission of Phase 1 documents to San Diego County Taxpayers Association.
- Additional review sessions with campus and district stakeholders for remaining feedback.
- Campus and district staff leadership confirm the Project Priorities List as final.
- Prepared and completed a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) in negotiation with the San Diego County Building and Construction Trades Council.
- Prepared Resolution for Calling Election, including ballot language, project list, and tax statement.
- Submission of Phase 2 documents to San Diego County Taxpayers Association.
July – December 2024
- Consideration and adoption of a resolution of the Board of Trustees calling for an election to authorize bonds and requesting consolidation with other elections occurring on November 5, 2024.
- San Diego County Taxpayers Association supports the District's proposed bond measure.
- Election Day – November 5, 2024.