The Career Education and Workforce Development Department manages the SDCCD annual Perkins funds – the leading national funding available for career and technical education programs with the express goal of providing individuals with the academic and technical knowledge and skills they need to prepare for careers in current or emerging employment sectors.
This page provides resources for San Diego City, Mesa, Miramar, and Continuing Education regarding Perkins funding.
Annual Summary REPORTS
High level summaries of the use of Career Education designated Perkins Funds:
- SDCCD Handbook for Perkins V - Last updated January 2024
- Districtwide Stakeholder Engagement Model
- Reporting schedule
- Dashboards:
Worksheets & Guides for Perkins 1-c
- 2024-25 Application:
- New Perkins Criteria - CCCCO Memo (March 2024)
- SDCCD Dashboard - provides insight into eligibility of SDCCD CTE TOP6 program areas, by college (coming soon!)
- Application Deadlines for2024-25
- Application Components Summary for the 2023-24 Application
- Student Success Metrics Guidance
- Local Application Narrative Responses Worksheet
- Program TOP Code Worksheet
- Across Program Worksheet
- Requirements for Uses of Funds Reference Guide
- Perkins V Required Uses Annual Worksheet
- Current Districtwide CLNA - all funding decisions must be tied to the current CLNA
- Core Indicators (Perkins V)
- District Re-Visualization of Core Indicators - Dashboard
- New Perkins Criteria - CCCCO Memo (March 2024)
- Quarterly Reporting
- Quarterly Reporting Worksheet (pdf) - Word Version - quarterly worksheet includes required narrative questions for NOVA reporting (progress on core indicators)
- In addition to the quarterly reporting worksheet, each institution provides quarterly activity notes for each program funded through perkins. These will be held on file for audit purposes. No required format.
- Travel
- Out of State Travel Request Form - Revised form as of December 2023
- We recommend addressing the following elements within the narrative box "Describe the purpose for the out-of-state travel and how attendance will benefit the State":
- Describe the purpose for attending the event
- Explain how this attendance will contribute to the success of the program/project.
- Address the State's question regarding how attendance will benefit the State
- We recommend addressing the following elements within the narrative box "Describe the purpose for the out-of-state travel and how attendance will benefit the State":
- No more banned states (as of late fall 2023)
- Reminders:
- Perkins Reserve funds cannot be used for out-of-state travel
- Perkins 1C funds may be used for out-of-state travel, but travel must first be approved by our assigned monitor
- Colleges are encouraged to submit out-of-state travel request forms as early as possible and ensure all documentation is maintained locally for audit purposes.
- Out of State Travel Request Form - Revised form as of December 2023
- Final Report
There are two parts to Perkins 1C Final Reporting
- Final Narrative Response for Accomplishments and Outcomes by Core Indicator (based on 2022 Final Report)
- Program Activity Outcomes
- Each program/across program funded by Perkins 1C must complete a final Program Activity Outcomes worksheet.
- Worksheets will be provided customized to each program and college
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) - Perkins 1-C
Districtwide CLNA
Regional Needs Assessments:
- 2023 Report
- 2022 San Diego & Imperial Community Colleges Career Education Perkins V Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Consultation Report
- 2020 San Diego & Imperial Community Colleges Career Education Perkins V Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Consultation Report
CLNAs from other San Diego Imperial County Community Colleges
Preparing for the CLNA
- Timeline
- Available Data & Resources
- Districtwide Re-visualization of Perkins Core Indicators - Dashboard
- SDCCD Strategic Plan 2023-2030
2023-24 Materials:
- Districtwide CLNA Reporting Guide
- Districtwide CLNA Worksheet Packet:
- Districtwide Stakeholder Engagement Model
- Career Education Data, Reports, and Resources Page
Perkins Reserve Funds
- CCCCO Reserve Funds Website
- 2022-23 RFA
- Reminders:
- Awards are project and college specific
- Colleges are responsible for reporting and invoicing for reimbursement
- Perkins Reserve funds cannot be used for out-of-state travel
- 2022-23 Reporting:
- Invoice Template
- Narrative Questions
- Due Dates:
- Perkins V Core Indicators
- Past Core Indicators
- Perkins V Allowable & Unallowable Expenditures Chart
- CCCCO Perkins V Website
- Perkins V Act
- Comparison of Perkins IV and Perkins V - ACTE Resource
- ACTE Perkins Site
- ACTE Local Needs Assessment Guide
- State's CLNA recommended questions to ask (distributed by CCCCO fall 2021)
- WEDD Webinars - past recordings
Perkins Iv
- CCCCO Perkins IV website
- Perkins IV Primer
- SDCCD Perkins IV Handbook and Templates
- Out-of-State Travel Request Form
Local Perkins funds are determined through institutional program review and Perkins application procedures. Please contact your institutional Perkins lead for details:
- San Diego City College: Dean Jesse Lopez
- San Diego Mesa College: Acting Dean Cassandra Storey
- San Diego Miramar College: Acting Dean Claudia Estrada Howell
- San Diego Continuing Education: Dean Andrei Lucas