Career Services & Job Placement

This Career Services page provides resources and guidance for the enhancement of career services and job placement districtwide.


Career Services includes the many different activities, events, and services provided to students to give students the competitive edge needed when entering the workforce, no matter if the student’s employment goals are immediate or long term. Career Services offer students the opportunities to explore career options, understand and experience workplace expectations, hone soft skills, and find employment opportunities via career assessments and explorations, work-based learning, or job referral programs.

According to the 2018 Strada-Gallup report, the majority of students cite jobs and career outcomes as the number one reason for going to college.  

An analysis of the National Association of Colleges and Employer’s Class of 2022 Student Survey found that students using career services were:

  • More likely to obtain a paid internship
  • 2.4 times more likely to say their degree is related to the job they obtained, if the student participated in a paid internship
  • 3.3 times more likely to say their institution prepared them well for their career


This District Resource Page provides insight into:

  • The Districtwide Career Services Committee - Goals, priority activities, members, agendas, and meeting highlights
  • Handshake Implementation Workgroup- districtwide team meetings and information
  • Career Event Collabroation & Planning Workgroup- districtwide planning team meetings and information
  • Work-Based Learning - links to resources


Districtwide Career Services Committee

The districtwide Career Services Committee was establish Spring 2023.

Focus: Student Career Success

Goal(s): Support coordination and communication across San Diego City, Mesa, Miramar and Continuing Education for career services initiatives, including employer engagement, work-based learning, job placement, career center activities, and handshake.

  • Equitably Improve student wage outcomes and career success
  • Increase collaboration across college career service initiatives
  • Increase consistency of the student experience and access to career services districtwide

Guiding Principle: Career services are

  1. A basic need for all students
  2. A cross functional responsibility (student services and instructional services)
  3. Key to retaining students and supporting completion
  4. A component of recruitment and enrollment management

Reporting Structure: reports to VPSSs and VPIs and Vice Chancellor of Instruction; updates may be shared with Chancellors Cabinet when approved by VPs Membership: based on function/roles; assigned by VPSS and VPIs

Membership: based on function/roles; assigned by VPSS and VPIs

College Lead Representatives


  • City: Roger Sanchez and Sasha Knox
  • Mesa: Olivia Picolla and Alex Berry
  • Miramar: Mona Patel and Claudia Estrada Howell
  • SDCCE: Roberta Kraus and Armin Rashvand

District participation includes: District DSPS and District Career Education & Workforce Development


Expectations of Lead representatives:

  • Provide updates and insights into college-specific efforts - Bring local efforts, challenges, opportunities, and practices to the workgroup (share with workgroup)
  • Serve as a resource for your college on the workgroup efforts, career services opportunities, etc. – Bring back and connect information to local efforts, local committees, college leadership, etc.

Additional representation from the following roles is encouraged:

  • Work-Based Learning lead(s)
  • Job Placement Leads
  • Handshake leads
  • Employer Relations Liaisons and/or Job Developers
  • Career Counselor lead(s)
  • Additional Career Education leads– Lead CTE Deans
Workgroup Priorities:
  1. Increase districtwide awareness of existing local and districtwide initiatives and infrastructure for career services and job placement.
    1. Increase awareness within the workgroup and support workgroup participant learning.
      • Dedicate time for workgroup members to get to know each other and learn about each college’s infrastructure and current efforts.
      • Dedicate time for colleges to share promising practices and infrastructure models – examples: position descriptions, funding models, staffing/reporting models, communication models, strategic plans.
      • Dedicate time for work group members to learn from each other and explore opportunities to sync up for increased efficiency (where appropriate) and problem solve together.
    2. Increase awareness outside of the workgroup.
      • Identify opportunities and mechanisms to increase transparency and visibility of career services locally and districtwide (cabinet updates, etc.).
      • Identify and communicate on ramps for key partners (DSPS, faculty, etc.
      • Support increased understanding and clarity of not just what each role within and across Career Services initiatives does but also the overall added value the work and the roles provide to students and the institution overall.
  2. Advance districtwide understanding of the importance of prioritizing integration of career services throughout an institution’s student and instructional initiatives.
    1. Support integration of Career Services into local and districtwide guided pathway initiatives.
  3. Identify common needs across initiatives, roles, and functions related to career services
    1. Advocate needs for both technical and adaptive changes.
  4. Increase cross-college communication and collaboration on subject-specific or occupation focused events and activities as well as districtwide events, activities, and tools (examples: Handshake implementation and districtwide career fair).
  5. Provide support and coordination for Pathway Navigation RFA submissions and participation.
  6. Establish districtwide commitment to NACE standards for Career Services.
  7. Begin to explore existing reports, available data, and known equity gaps within and across career services (set a foundation for establishing data engagement needs).


Workgroup Meeting MATERIALS 



Spring 2023: The districtwide Career Services & Job Placement Workgroup was establish Spring 2023. No meetings held May and June.


Districtwide Implementation of Handshake -Districtwide Job board

Handshake is the San Diego Community College District’s Job Board – an online platform for Employers and Students. As the nation’s number one college-to-career network, Handshake provides a one-stop shop for employers to engage students, post jobs, and hire. It also provides an easy to manage engagement system to track employer engagement across multiple roles – minimizing duplication across colleges and improving the employer experience.

  • Districtwide commitment to the platform and purchase: 2020-2021
  • Establishment of Districtwide Implementation Team: Fall 2021
  • First student upload: 2022

For the first time, SDCCD students can login to one account across all four campuses, removing barriers to employment opportunities and making career support a priority along with their education.  All actively enrolled students have been uploaded into Handshake and receive a welcome email encouraging them to activate their account. Once activated, they have access to job postings and employer events. 


College Leads:

  • City - Roger Sanchez
  • Mesa - Olivia Picolla
  • Miramar - Amara Tang
  • SDCCE - Franklin Garrett
  • District - Noah Lacsina




Districtwide Handshake Implementation Meetings

District Educational Services coordinates regular districtwide handshake implementation meetings. Handshake leads from all four colleges are included. Formal engagement of Educational Services in Districtwide Handshake Implementation Meeting support began Spring 2023. 


Spring 2023 


Career Events  - Districtwide Planning Meetings

The Districtwide Career Events Planning & Collaboration Workgroup was established August 2023 and meets monthly to increase students participation in career events. 

Meeting Purpose & Intent

  1. Increase access and participation in career events and activities for SDCCD students
  2. Increase collaboration across the colleges on career events and activities (job fairs,
    career fairs, career panels, etc.)
  3. Support planning for the annual districtwide career fair

College Leads:

  • City - Roger Sanchez
  • Mesa - Olivia Picolla
  • Miramar - Amara Tang
  • SDCCE - Franklin Garrett
  • District - Noah Lacsina

Meeting Materials


Work-Based Learning (WBL)

Ensuring equitable access to work-based learning (WBL) experiences for all SDCCD students is a priority for support students achievement of their career goals and meeting workforce development needs of the San Diego region.

The District Work-Based Learning Resource Page provides insight into districtwide WBL coding requirements and initiatives, including SG21 reporting framework and districtwide reporting plan. 

  • WBL/SG21 reporting processes, resources, and deadlines are addressed during the monthly Districtwide Career Services Workgroup Meeting


Employer Engagement

Employer engagement is key to ensuring curricular alignment with industry needs and labor market information and for providing meaningful student work-based learning opportunities, internships,and employment.

  • Handshake - Employers are able to sign up for free on the districtwide job board - post jobs and connect with students from all four colleges. Learn more here.
  • Employer Relations Liaisons - each college has been assigned an embedded Employer Relations Liaison (ERL) from the Regional Consortium. These roles provide their assigned college support for connecting with employers to inform programing, provided students with internship and job placements, and for helping college meet employer needs.
  • Industry Advisory Committees - all CTE programs are required to have an industry advisory committee and connect with committee members no less than once per year. The districtwide handbook provides general guidance on maintaining these committees. Learn more here.
  • Job Placement Coordinators and Developments - each college receives regional SWP funding to support job placement coordinator and/or developer roles to increase student job placements in their field of study
  • Corporate Council - The SDCCD Chancellor's Corporate Council meets four times per year. Learn more here.