Career Education Deans

Each SDCCD institution has one or more designated lead career education deans and associate deans assigned to coordinate career education grant management (Perkins and Strong Workforce), participate in regional career education initiatives, and lead local and districtwide career education efforts including industry alignment, work-based learning, work experience, apprenticeship program management, job placement, career pathways, and joint partnership efforts with San Diego Workforce Partnership, and other related areas of work. 

This districtwide group of lead career education deans and associate deans is convened monthly to support dialogue and coordination across the four institutions regarding career education projects, grants, and special initiatives.  These meetings meet Perkins grant requirements. Standing agenda items include:  Career Education Equity, Perkins, and Strong Workforce.

Career education grant programs and initiatives require a broad range of stakeholder engagement and data, reports, and resources to support ongoing program improvement, alignment, and student success and to meet grant requirements. The Career Education Data, Reports, and Resources page provides resources for San Diego City, Mesa, Miramar College and the College of Continuing Education for career education grant related reporting requirements and related activities. 


DESIGNATED Lead Career Education Deans

Fall 2024:

  • City College: Jesse Lopez, School of Business, Information Technology and Cosmetology
  • Mesa College: Monica Romero, Dean, Business and Technology
  • Miramar College: Claudia Estrada-Howell, Dean, School of Business, Technical Careers & Workforce Initiatives
  • College of Continuing Education: Andrei Lucas, Dean, Skilled and Technical Trades

2024-25 Schedule - includes monthly Lead Career Education Deans Meetings and Reporting Deadlines for Perkins, SWP, and Apprenticeship RSI


Regional Career Education Program Recommendations

Designated Lead Career Education Deans play a critical role in the required Regional Career Educaiton Program Recommendation Process through the San Diego Imperial Counties Community Colleges Regional Consortium.

  • Each college has one vote - assigned to the designated lead CTE Dean
  • Lead CTE Deans are responsible for submitting programs for recommendation and for reviewing programs that have been submitted for recommendations

Regional Process overview

Regional Schedule


District Curriculum & Instruction (CIC) Updates - After each regional Deans Council meeting, updates on the outcomes of the program recommendations for City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges will be shared with the Vice Chancellor for Educational Services to be distributed to Districtwide CIC. 


District Career Education Deans Monthly Meetings

Lead Career Education deans and associate deans over Strong Workforce and Perkins are convened monthly by Educational Services Career Education and Workforce Development Department.


2023-24 Schedule - includes monthly Lead Career Education Deans Meetings and Reporting Deadlines for Perkins, SWP, and Apprenticeship RSI





City College:

  • Jesse Lopez,  Dean, School of Business, Information Technology and Cosmetology
    • Summer 2024 Acting Dean: Mark Manasse
  • Sasha Knox, Associate Dean, Strong Workforce

Mesa College:

  • Cassandra Storey, Dean, Health Sciences & Public Service
  • Monica Romero, Dean, Business and Technology
  • Alex Berry, Associate Dean, CTE

Miramar College:

  • Claudia Estrada-Howell, Dean, School of Business, Technical Careers & Workforce Initiatives
  • Mona Patel, Acting Associate Dean of Strong Workforce

College of Continuing Education:

  • Andrei Lucas, Dean,Skilled and Technical Trades
  • Armin Rashvand, Associate Dean of CTE


  • Amertah Perman, Dean, Career Education & Workforce Development, Educational Services Division
  • Chantaya Robinson, Administrative Assistant 
  • Edward Matthews, Program Manager
  • Qingai Xu, CTE Research Expert


Meeting Agendas




