SDUSD High Schools to College Credit by Exam

This page provides information and resources for San Diego Unified School District high school students, teachers, and counselors regarding early college credit through CTE Transitions Credit by Exam agreements from SDUSD High Schools to San Diego City, Mesa, or Miramar College.


What is a CTE Transitions Credit by Exam Agreement?

A CTE Transitions Credit by Exam agreement between a high school and San Diego Community College District (including San Diego City College, San Diego Mesa College, and San Diego Miramar College) allows high school students to receive community college credit for an approved high school class if the student meets all the requirements of the agreement. These agreements better ensure that a student does not have to repeat the same content in at community college that they already studied in high school.  CTE Transitions Credit by Exam Agreements are available for high school career education courses only.



In order for a SDUSD student to receive college credit, an active agreement must be in place between the SDUSD high school and SDCCD at the time the student was enrolled in the high school class.


Required Steps for Receiving College Credit

If you are a high school student in a CTE Transitions course, you need to satisfy and complete the following 5 steps:

  1. Step 1. Enroll in an approved high school CTE Transitions class.
  2. Step 2. Earn an overall course grade of A, B or C for each section of an approved CTE Transitions class and an A or B on the final exam(s) and/or project(s).
  3. Step 3. Successfully complete an SDCCD college application online.
  4. Step 4. Submit a signed SDUSD/SDCCD CTE Transitions Student Petition for College Credit form to course instructor. This form is then collected by the SDUSD CCTE Office and sent to SDCCD Instructional Services for processing.

Note:   Students that do not submit the SDUSD/SDCCD Student Petition for College Credit Form at the time of their high school course may submit a signed Student Petition for College Credit Form to SDCCD’s Instructional services Department within 18 months of high school graduation with proof of qualifying course and exam grades (high school transcripts

If your petition for credit is successful, then the grade you received on your college approve final exam or portfolio will appear on your college transcript.


In order for a SDUSD student to receive college credit through CTE Transitions Credit by Exam, an active agreement must be in place between the SDUSD high school and SDCCD at the time the student was enrolled in the high school class.

CTE Transitions Credit by Exam Agreements are available for high school career education courses only. The college course tied to the agreement must be active at the time of enrollment. SDCCD credit cannot be offered for college courses that are not active.

Students may not repeat a course for credit via credit by exam.




  • If you are currently enrolled in a high school career education course that participates in SDCCD’s CTE Transitions Program, please reach out to your teacher for assistance or to the SDUSD CCTE Office.
  • If you are no longer an SDUSD student, please reach out to the SDCCD CTE Transitions Program  CTE Transitions help desk at 619-388-6572 or email Cloris Johnson





The SDCCD Career Education and Workforce Development Department retains a list of all individuals teaching a CTE course approved for CTE Transitions Credit by Exam.

In coordination with SDUSD’s CCTE Office, high school teachers will work with students enrolled in high school CTE Transitions courses to:

  • Complete a CTE Transitions Petition for Credit Form for each student – to receive access to this form, contact SDUSD CCTE Office
  • Ensure each student has an active SDCCD application for admission 

Teachers will submit final exam or project/portfolio grades to the SDUSD CCTE Office.

SDUSD’s CCTE Office will collect Petition for Credit Forms, collect and confirm SDCCD college ID numbers, and submit paperwork collected on behalf of students within the academic year to SDCCD’s Career Education and Workforce Development Department.

Students that meet the CTE Transitions eligibility requirements that do not submit paperwork within the same academic year of the high school CTE Transitions course can submit their requests for credit within 18 months of high school graduation.


Biotechnology Teacher Requirements
  • LIFE SCIENCE SUMMER INSTITUTE: All Biotechnology high school teachers must participate in the Life Science Summer Institute at Miramar College to be included in the CTE Transitions agreement, BIOL 131 – Introduction to Biotechnology, at Miramar College.  
  • EXAM REQUIREMENTS: Miramar College faculty will administer Biotechnology exams at your high school or at Miramar College. Exam dates will be scheduled with Dr. Bowers‐Gentry in advance. The SDCCD Career Education and Workforce Development and SDUSD CCTE Departments will provide class rosters to Miramar College in advance of the testing date.
  • ROSTERS: SDCCD and SDUSD’s CCTE Office will provide roster lists to Dr. Bowers‐Gentry with students eligible to test for BIOL 131. High school teachers should indicate on the rosters which students are present at exam on the testing day.
  • GRADING: Miramar College faculty will grade all Biotechnology exams and submit the results to CTE Transitions office and high school teachers. High School teachers are responsible for notifying students of exam results. Students that receive an A or B in the course and on the examination are eligible for credit. Students must apply for credit no later than 18 months after high school graduation.


SDUSD to SDCCD CTE Transitions Credit by Exam agreements

2024-2025 Academic Year - complete list of agreements with SDUSD


2024-2025 Active Agreements by College


2023-24 Active Agreements by High School (SDUSD to San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges)